
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M]
[N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

Terms are listed in alphabetical order, with reference to the number of the subchapter(s) where they can be found. Clicking on a term loads the appropriate section pdf file. If a term is not a separate entry, the entry at which it can be found is given in parentheses.  Terms marked with an asterisk ( *) are not recommended.

Jablonski diagram  11.2
Jahn-Teller effect  11.2

Joint (in robotics)  7.3
 - coordinates  7.3
 - space  7.3
Jointed-arm robot  7.3

Joule-Thompson coefficient  1.3.8
Joystick  7.3
Junction (in semiconductive material)
 - liquid  3.4.12