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The use of validated methods is one of the basic criteria for testing compliance with Codex Standards. The Joint FAO/IAEA Expert Consultation on Validation of Analytical Methods for Food Control recommended that in certain cases the validation of a procedure could be done in one laboratory operating under internationally recognised quality system such as GLP, ISO/IEC Guide 25, or by Peer Review. However, the full in-house validation of a multi residue method (MRM) covering a wide range of matrices is practically impossible according to the current validation guidelines. The IUPAC Interdivisional Working Party on Harmonisation of Quality Assurance Schemes for Analytical Laboratories is preparing a draft guidance document on In-house method validation, and a "Practical approach to validation of multi-residue methods" is being elaborated by an international group of practising analysts with the co-ordination of the FAO/IAEA Training and Reference Centre for Food and Pesticide Control.


To bring together analytical chemists and representatives of agencies, governments, standard organisations and accreditation bodies involved in method validation in general, and specifically for residue analysis of pesticides, veterinary drugs and mycotoxins to:

  • define minimum data requirements for cost effective characterisation of the procedures involved in Multi Residue Methods for checking compliance with (Codex) MRLs;
  • improve cost and time effectiveness of the within-laboratory quality control;
  • present practical results and experience gained during the past years to limit multiplication of efforts for the same tasks in many laboratories;.
  • discuss principles and practice of estimating limits of detection, determination and quantitation of analytical methods;
  • discuss, further elaborate and endorse the principles laid down in the documents on

    "In-house method validation", and

  • "Practical approach to validation of multi-residue methods"

  • identify areas where the available information is limited and further work is needed to ensure reliability of the results;
  • provide guidance on characterisation of method performance; confirming the fitness and reliability of the methods for specific tasks;
  • recommend practical approach for validation of pesticide residue analytical methods;
  • assist analytical laboratories to check compliance of food with Codex and national MRLs with methods validated according to internationally agreed criteria.