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 News & Notices

Minutes of 127th Meeting of Executive Committee
24-25 March 2000, San Franscisco, California, USA


13.1 STRATEGIC PLAN, 2000-2001
Dr. Becker reviewed the background of the revision of the Strategic Plan. The revised Strategic Plan will be printed in the same format as the 1998-9 Plan and will be distributed to the NAOs, Bureau, ANAOs, National Chemical Societies, Company Associates, other ICSU Unions, and other scientific organizations.
Dr. Hayes noted that one comment he hears regularly is that the Strategic Plan covers too many goals and that the goals are too broad. It was suggested that the Bureau be asked for areas on which the Union should focus. This would give the Project Committee guidance in choosing projects.

Dr. Becker noted that the report in the Agenda Book had been drafted based on the original input from the Division Presidents and Standing Committee Chairmen plus accomplishments completed since the original draft was written. This draft was then circulated for comment. It was suggested that in response to the request made at the Berlin Council meeting for a more uniform format the Division Presidents and Standing Committee Chairmen be asked to present their reports in the format used for this report. It was proposed that the report be reformatted to resemble that used for Chemistry International and distributed as widely as the Strategic Plan.

Dr. Jost reviewed the project statistics in the Agenda Book. He noted that the large number of completed and abandoned projects since the last IUPAC Handbook was printed was due to the work of Dr. Meyers in updating the project information on the web site. Her inquires had determined that a number of projects had been completed over the years but the information had not been given to the Secretariat.
The new project approval system is functioning. Projects are being received by the Secretariat, distributed for review by the Division Committees, sent for review by outside referees, approved or disapproved by the Division Committees and then, when appropriate, submitted to the Project Committee or the Secretary General and Treasurer for funding decisions. The major conceptual difficulty for all concerned was the distinction between projects to be reviewed by the Project Committee and those to be reviewed by the Secretary General and the Treasurer. The distinction that has been developed is that the Project Committee is responsible for projects that are interdivisional, that come from Standing Committees, or that are require funds beyond the resources of a Division. The Secretary General and Treasurer are to review projects that are of a type and size that would normally be funded by the Division Committee, but for which the Division does not have sufficient funds. This is a particular problem during the current biennium, when Division funds are largely allocated to Commission activities.
Dr. Jost noted that a new section of the Management Accounts Report was being developed to track expenditures for projects. This report will show current expenditures, total expenditures for the life of the project, total project budget, and commitments for future years by years. The latter aspect is important because, unlike the current system for funding Commissions, a project can cover parts of more than one biennium.
A discussion of the Biodiversity project followed. This project has been recommended to receive USD 15 000 by the Project Committee. The group felt that it would be important to see what the outcomes of the project were in reviewing its success.

Dr. Becker noted the two categories of ICSU project, Type I is less than USD 50 000 while Type II is more than USD 50 000 up to USD 100 000. Projects submitted for Type I grants would be chosen from among those already submitted for IUPAC funding and that had significant expenditures planned for 2001. Dr. Becker noted that IUPAC, in partnership with IUPHAR and IUTOX had recently received a Type II grant for the Environmental Estrogens project. He then briefly described a project submitted by Dr. Davies of CPEP for a Type II grant. He recommended against submitting this project for ICSU funding. The Committee agreed.

Dr. Jost reviewed the statistics for these two programs. There are now 462 Fellows, 351 with e-mail, compared to 194 Fellows in 1998-9. Replies have been received from 118 Fellows. The large increase in the number of Fellows is due to the inclusion this year of members of Subcommittees and Working Parties. There are 36 individual AMP members, 4129 Paid (3,050 ACS) and 396 sponsored for a total of 4525. Seven of the travel award winners from Berlin have accepted the offer of a subscription to CI.

Dr. Becker noted that the text of the current letter sent to notify new Fellows of their status is out of date. In addition to referring to the recent establishment of the program by the Council at Geneva in 1997, it also does not emphasize the desire of the Union for the continued involvement of Fellows in the work of the Union. The revised draft in the Agenda Book has been written with these points in mind. The Committee approved the use of the new draft letter for future appointment of IUPAC Fellows.

Dr. Jost reviewed the developments in the IUPAC Web site since the Bureau meeting in Berlin. The most significant development on the web site has been a program to provide automatic updates of member information based on the members database. This will allow more frequent updating of contact information without manual intervention.
The project area continues to be updated with the addition of links to publications resulting from projects. Dr. Meyers has stimulated many project leaders to provide updates on projects and in some cases discovered that projects had been completed and publications made with no notification to the Secretariat.
A calendar of IUPAC sponsored conferences was distributed to all recipients of CI. The calendar is also being sent to all sponsored conferences in the first half of the year.
A pocket Periodic Table is being developed in conjunction with the same designer who worked on the calendar. The Table will show the date of discovery of the elements in graphic form.

Dr. Jost reviewed the activities of the Secretariat since the last Executive Committee meeting. Some significant activities are summarized in the list below.

    1. Ms. Pamela Footman was hired to handle the increased workload associated with publishing PAC.
    2. The Berlin GA was run despite problems caused by the failures of the local organizers.
    3. Invoices for PAC, CI, National Subscriptions, ANAO fees, AO fees, AMP fees, and CA fees were sent out.
    4. Payments for subscriptions were collected and processed.
    5. The subscriber database was converted from the format provided by Blackwell to a database of agents and subscribers.
    6. The membership database was revised to reflect changes made at Berlin.
    7. Appointment letters were sent to all members of IUPAC bodies.
    8. Letters were sent to new IUPAC Fellows.
    9. The IUPAC Handbook was extensively revised and distributed at the end of February.
    10. There are now 1096 members in our database. The breakdown is TM: 297, AM: 235, NR: 241. The balance consists of members of Working Parties, Subcommittees and Task Groups.

Dr. Becker reviewed the letters received from Prof. Wilson, President of Division I and the letter sent to all Division Presidents and Chairmen of Standing Committees. There has been little response to the letter. It was decided to add staff to provide support to Divisions and Standing Committees if future developments warrant.

Page last modified 6 June 2000.
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